Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May Student-Led Conferences Preview

The middle school’s next student-led conferences are taking place this Wednesday, May 25th. Here’s a quick preview of what you can expect to see there.

First, your child will pick up his or her folder from the homeroom teacher, and families will be welcome to choose a table in one of the classrooms in the upper hall.

During the conference, teachers will be available to answer questions, BUT your child will be the star of the show! He or she will present the following information to you...

  1. Progress toward goals: Students will review the academic and discipleship goals that were set in September and/or January, including what progress they have achieved and what trends the students have self-reported in behavior.
  2. Scaled scores for STAR Math and Reading: Students will share their recent May scores from STAR Math and Reading. Families will be able to discuss why those numbers went up, went down, or stayed the same. Students can also discuss strategies to foster further improvement over the summer to start the next school year strong.
  3. Summer Reading, Math, and STREAM Assignments: Incoming 7th and 8th graders will receive copies of their summer assignments. We will be talking about all of these during the school day, but if your child has any questions, please contact the appropriate teacher. Please note that incoming 8th graders will also have a religion assignment on the Acts of the Apostles.
  4. Student Work Samples: Posters, projects, and videos from our students will be on display around the classrooms. For example, eighth graders will be able to show parents their science videos, Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) projects from social studies, and saint portfolios from English language arts.
  5. Art portfolios: Students will have their art folders in hand to share their latest pieces.
We are so proud of everything that our students have accomplished this year and the growth they have shown in our classes. 
We wish you all a safe, happy summer!
The Middle School Team

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